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TCP Client






Operation Manual

Simply Modbus TCP Client 1.4

Modbus TCP Client Software

System Requirements:

Windows NT, 95, 2000, XP.  (not recommended for Windows 7 or Vista )

display resolution: 800 x 600 minimum


Installation - Simply Modbus TCP Client 1.4 (1.65 MB) :

Click to download

Unzip the compressed files into a common folder on your hard drive.

Simply Modbus TCP Client 1.4.exe - the program
Read me TCP Client 1.4.txt          - documentation
Read me for Windows7.txt            - documentation


Known Issues with version 1.4:  Two instances normally appears in the taskbar while the program is running, the runtime engine and the program itself, Sometimes the runtime engine does not quit when the program is closed, although it is not consistent and behaves differently on different PCs. It is more likely to happen when the program is opened and closed within a few seconds. Waiting longer or sending a request before closing may help it quit properly.  It may quit by itself after a few minutes on some Windows 7 and systems. Although it's okay on others.

Work Arounds: It can be forced to quit by right clicking on the taskbar item and selecting close. Using Alt-F4 to quit the program also works better in some cases.

Simply Modbus TCP Client 7.1.2 looks and runs exactly like Simply Modbus TCP Client 1.4 but was created using a newer compiler. It is a significantly larger download and has an install program. It appears to be more stable with the newer Windows versions. see.....manual7

Simply Modbus TCP Client 7.1.2 will automatically use a license for Simply Modbus TCP Client if already installed on the PC.


Starting the program

Double-click on Simply Modbus TCP Client 1.4.exe.

You will see the demonstration startup window.

TCP Client 1.4 loading demo window

The progress bar will take approximately 15 seconds to load the demonstration version.
During this time, you can press the ENTER KEY and see

 'Enter License Key' popup

After purchasing and receiving a license key by email, enter the key and press OK.

The licensed program
               - goes immediately to the main Simply Modbus Read window and bypasses the Loading Demo startup window.
               - allows unlimited reads and writes.

The demo version
               - offers full functionality
               - requires a program restart to send more than six read requests or two write commands.

The Simply Modbus TCP Client Read Window

TCP Client 1.4 main window

Controls (inputs) that can be changed by the user are shown in yellow.
Indicators (outputs) shown in blue cannot be changed.

Set the controls to build the Request string.

 'mode' TCP or RTU-over-TCP control             Select TCP or RTU-over-TCP mode.  more info...

 'IP Address' control       Select the IP Address of the Server (Slave device) that you wish to connect to.
 'IP Port' control                   Select the Server's Port to connect to.

 'CONNECT' button       Press the Connect button and the program will attempt to connect to the Modbus Server.
                                   Each 6 second attempt will count up on the button after the word CONNECTING.
                                   The program will keep trying to connect until a connection is made or the button is pressed again.
 'NOT CONNECTED' indicator       The connection status is displayed as CONNECTED or NOT CONNECTED.

controls and Request indicator                                                                                                                

When in TCP Mode, The first 7 bytes in the Request is the MBAP header. The 7th byte is the Slave ID.
When in RTU-over-TCP Mode, the first six bytes of the MBAP header are not present. The Request starts with the Slave ID.

    'Slave ID' control      The 7th byte in the Request string in TCP Mode (The 1st byte in RTU-over-TCP mode)
                   The unit address of the Server (Slave) device to get data from.  normal range:  1 to 247 more info...

               '2 byte ID' checkbox    Setting a Slave ID over 255 will automatically check this box and allow Slave IDs up to 65535.   more info...
                              Remains on for all addresses until the Slave ID is lowered below 256 and the box manually unchecked.

    'function code' control     The 8th byte in the Request string in TCP Mode (The 7th byte in RTU-over-TCP mode
                    Can be automatically set  more info...
                    Used to select which table to read from.  more info...
                    Read Window supports Function codes 01, 02, 03 & 04

    'First Register' control      The 9th & 10th bytes in the Request string in TCP Mode (The 3rd & 4th bytes in RTU-over-TCP mode)
                           The coil or register number at the start of the block to read.    more info...

                          'minus offset' control      This value is subtracted from the First Register to give the data address used in the Request.

     'No. of Regs' control    The 11th & 12th bytes in the Request string. in TCP Mode (The 5th & 6th bytes in RTU-over-TCP mode)
                        The quantity of registers or coils in the block to read.

     'Use defaults' checkbox     check to automatically set the default values function code, offset and register size
                         when the value of First Register is changed.

                    'register size' control       The size of the registers in the block to be read.
                                                 This value should be set to 16 bit registers to read standard modbus registers.
                                                 and set to 1 bit coils to read standard modbus coils.
                                                 32 bit registers should be used for Enron modbus only. more info...

                  Events:   This box is checked when reading Enron events from register 32  more info...

                  History:   This box is checked when reading Enron historical records from register 701-799  more info...

Request indicator with TCP message           Request indicator with RTU message
  TCP Mode                                                 RTU-over-TCP Mode

crc  In RTU-over-TCP Mode, the last 2 bytes of the Request are the cyclic redundancy check.  These are error detection bytes.
       They are not present in TCP Mode  more info...

Auto Set values:

First Register function code minus offset register size
1 to 10000 1 1 1 bit coils
10001 to 10000 2 10001 1 bit coils
30001 to 40000 4 30001 16 bit registers
40001 & greater 3 40001 16 bit registers

Exceptions (for reading Enron modbus data):

First Register function code minus offset register size
32 (events) 3 0 32 bit registers
701 to 799 (history) 3 0 32 bit registers
1001 to 1999 1 0 1 bit coils
3001 to 3999 3 0 16 bit registers
5001 to 5999 3 0 32 bit registers
7001 to 7999 3 0 32 bit registers

Physical Connection

Before sending a message, the ethernet port needs to be physically connected to a network with Modbus servers.

Sending the Request

Press the SEND button. The program then monitors for incoming data and displays all bytes received in the Response indicator. The SEND button is greyed out until a connection is established with the Modbus Server (Slave device).

Request and Response indicators


While receiving, the response time counts up with a progress bar.          

Receiving stops when the expected response bytes are received or the time reaches the fail in value entered.

The 'expected response bytes' indicator is calculated from the input settings.
The response timer stops when this many bytes are received. 



Check the IP Address and Port in the Modbus Server (Slave device) to make sure it matches the settings in the TCP Client program (Master device)


Reading the Response

    Data results table

The data bytes in the response are displayed in the bytes column of the response table.

Use the pull-down boxes in the first column to set the data type for each value. more info...
The copy down button sets all data types to match the setting for the first value.

      'Hi/Lo byte' & 'Hi/Lo word' checkboxes     The bytes and words can be swapped by toggling the High/Low check boxes.

The bytes are re-processed immediately as the settings are changed and the results are shown in the fourth column.
Sending another request for a new response is not required for a recalculation.

A notes column is provided to enter labels for the values.

     'clear notes' button   Press the clear notes button to blank the whole notes column.

Byte History Log  

All bytes sent and received are added to the byte history log with date/time stamps. 

     'SAVE LOG' button   Displays a 'Save As..' dialog box to allow the log contents to be saved to a text file.

     'clear log' button      Empties the log contents. 

Log Results  

All data results received can be saved to a data log with date/time stamps. 

     'LOG DATA' button   Displays a 'Save As..' dialog box to create a tabbed-text data file for logging the results.

                           register# and notes are used as column headers in the file.

                           When data is received, a row is added to the file with date/time and the results.

                           Pressing the button again will close the file and stop logging the results.

The data file can be loaded into just about any system or progam like Excel.

Send Continuously

 'send continuously' checkbox

  Check this box to send back to back requests.

  The seconds after the start of one send request until the start of the next send request.



response time & statistics indicators

  The seconds taken for the slave to respond to last message.
  The number of message responses received (meeting the expected response bytes).
  The number of message with an incomplete or absent response

response time statistics and reset button

  The longest amount of seconds taken for a response (not including failed responses).
  The average amount of seconds taken for a response (not including failed responses).
 The shortest amount of seconds taken for a response (not including failed responses).
  Sets all statistical values back to zero. 

Save and Restore Configurations

    'SAVE CFG' button       Displays a 'Save As..' dialog box to allow saving the current settings and results to a text file.

    'RESTORE CFG' button 

Displays a 'Open File' dialog box to allow selecting a previously saved settings file to load.

The configuration file is saved in tabbed text format (tab separated values) and appears like this in notepad.

Configuration file in Notepad

The preset tabs in Notepad cause the cells with long labels to push the other columns over.
Sending it to, or opening it from, a spreadsheet program like Excel will use the tabs as column delimiters as shown here...

Configuration file in Excel

1st column contains descriptions, 2nd column contains values

3rd column contains the data types 0 through 11 in the order shown in its pull down menu.   

4th column is empty,  5th column contains the register numbers.

6th column contains the register values from the last poll, if any



Writing Data

    'WRITE' button     Displays the Simply Modbus TCP Client Write1.4 window

TCP Client 1.4 write window

Controls (inputs) that can be changed by the user are shown in yellow.
Indicators (outputs) shown in blue cannot be changed.

Set the controls to build the Command string.

The mode setting is copied from the previous window and can also be changed here.

 'mode' TCP or RTU-over-TCP control             Select TCP or RTU-over-TCP mode.  more info... 

The IP Address and Port are copied from the previous window and cannot be changed here.

   'Slave ID' control      The 7th byte in the Command string. in TCP Mode (The 1st byte in RTU-over-TCP mode)
                   The unit address of the Slave device to get data from.  normal range:  1 to 247 more info...

               '2 byte ID' checkbox    Setting a Slave ID over 255 will automatically check this box and allow Slave IDs up to 65535.   more info...
                              Remains on for all addresses until the Slave ID is lowered below 256 and the box manually unchecked.

    'function code' control     The 8th byte in the Command string. in TCP Mode (The 7th byte in RTU-over-TCP mode)
                    Can be automatically set  more info...
                    Used to select which table to write to.  more info...
                    Write Window supports Function codes 05, 06, 15 & 16

    'First Register' control      The 9th & 10th bytes in the Command string. in TCP Mode (The 3rd & 4th bytes in RTU-over-TCP mode)
                           The coil or register number at the start of the block to be written.    more info...

                          'minus offset' control      This value is subtracted from the First Register to give the data address used in the Command.

   '# Values to Write' control   The 11th & 12th bytes in the Command string. in TCP Mode (The 5th & 6th bytes in RTU-over-TCP mode)
                          The quantity of registers or coils in the block to be written.

     'Use defaults' checkbox     Check to automatically set the default values for function code, offset and register size
                         when the value of First Register is changed.

                     'register size' control    The size of the registers in the block to be written.
                                                 This value should be set to 16 bit registers to write standard modbus registers.
                                                 and set to 1 bit coils to write standard modbus coils.
                                                 32 bit registers should be used for Enron modbus only. more info...

Auto Set values:

First Register function code minus offset register size
1 to 7000 5 1 1 bit coils
7001 to 7999 (Enron modbus) 16 0 32 bit registers
8000 to 10000 5 1 1 bit coils
10001 to 30000 5 10001 1 bit coils
30001 to 40000 6 30001 16 bit registers
40001 & greater 6 40001 16 bit registers

Data to Write

 'Values to Write' control and indicators

The values to write are entered in the table shown.  The table size is automatically adjusted as the #values to write is changed.

   'Data Type' control   Use this pull-down box to set the data type for the whole table to be written.

     'Hi/Lo byte' & 'Hi/Lo word' checkboxes     The bytes and words can be swapped by toggling the High/Low check boxes.

Sending the Command

Press the SEND button. The program then monitors for incoming data and displays all bytes received in the Response indicator.

 'Command' and 'Response' boxes

While receiving, the response time counts up with a progress bar.          

Receiving stops when the expected response bytes are received or the time reaches the fail in value entered.

The 'expected response bytes' indicator is calculated from the input settings.
The response timer stops when this many bytes are received. 

Reading the Response

The data bytes in the response are displayed in the bytes column of the response table.

Byte History Log  

All bytes sent and received are added to the byte history log with date/time stamps. 

     'SAVE LOG' button   Displays a 'Save As..' dialog box to allow saving the log contents to a text file.

     'clear log' button      Empties the log contents

Save and Restore Configurations

    'SAVE CFG' button       Displays a 'Save As..' dialog box to allow saving the current settings to a text file.

    'RESTORE CFG' button  Displays an 'Open File' dialog box to allow selecting a previously saved settings file to load.


Press the Close box in the top corner to Exit the Write program.



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