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TCP Client





Software Purchase Instructions

Step 1) Make payment

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Please verify the quantity and price in the checkout window,
Press "Process Payment" when it all looks correct, otherwise press "Cancel"

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Purchase just 1 of the 3 available programs

Quantity Simply Modbus
Simply Modbus
Simply Modbus
TCP Client
1 license
for 1 user or 1 PC
for 1 program
2 licenses
for 2 users or 2 PCs
for 1 program
site license
unlimited installations
at one location
within a single company
for 1 program

End User License Agreement. To download, right click and select Save Target As...

Purchase 2 of the 3 available programs:

Quantity Simply Modbus
Simply Modbus
Simply Modbus
Simply Modbus
TCP Client

Simply Modbus
TCP Client
Simply Modbus
1 license
for 1 user or 1 PC
for 2 programs
2 licenses
for 2 users or 2 PCs
for 2 programs
site license
unlimited installations
at one location
within a single company
for 2 programs

End User License Agreement. To download, right click and select Save Target As...

Purchase all 3 available programs

Quantity Simply Modbus RTU/ASCII Master
Simply Modbus RTU/ASCII Slave
Simply Modbus TCP Client
1 license
for 1 user or 1 PC
for 3 programs
2 licenses
for 2 users or 2 PCs
for 3 programs
site license
unlimited installations
at one location
within a single company
for 3 programs

End User License Agreement. To download, right click and select Save Target As...

Prices in US dollars.


Step 2) Receive license by email

After payment is made you will receive a confirmation email with the transaction details.

A second email from will follow with the license key code .

This is not an automated process.
License are normally sent out within an hour during office hours
but may take overnight due to time zone differences.
Your patience is appreciated.

Office Hours are Monday thru Friday, 8AM - 4PM MST(UTC-0700)

To help avoid server filtering, you can add our address to your contacts
The license message can be sent to a second email address if requested.


Step 3) Enter the license in the program

The license is entered in the program by using the 'Enter Key' button on the demo mode startup screen. The startup screen and unlicensed popup will then no longer appear.


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"Count me as simply delighted with Simply Modbus... was up to me to figure it out on my own. And I did, in about 2 minutes with Simply Modbus...

... simply a bargain, a super package for the price."  more....


"It works great in both ASCII and RTU mode and understands 32-bit Enron extensions..."

"I highly recommend the Simply Modbus software."  more....


" I just wanted to let you know that this utility has been a great help to me..."     more....


" Just want to thank you for creating such a user friendly modbus software that I have been searching for weeks."     more....