Enron Modbus
Reading Event/Alarm Register
Alarm Event
To request events, function code 3 is used to request register # 32 (hex 0020).
This command is requesting events from the slave with address 1.
01 03 0020 0001 85C0
01: The Slave Address
03: The Function Code
0020: The Data Address
of the event log. (20 hex
= 32)
0001: Number or events requested (ignored - response will include the max # )
85C0: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.
This is a typical alarm event response to the event request shown above.
01 03 14 8000 1B5F 483366C0 47EAF800 40200000 00000000 C2C8
01: The Slave Address
03: The Function Code
14: Data bytes to follow
(14 hex = 20)
8000: Alarm change bit map [
1000 0000 0000 0000]
1B5F: The register that triggered the alarm change (7007)
483366C0: Time Stamp 32 bit float HHMMSS (183707.0 = 6:37:07pm)
47EAF800: Date Stamp 32 bit float MMDDYY (120304.0 = Dec 3,2004)
40200000: Current (alarmed) value of variable 32-bit float (2.5)
00000000: Unused at this time (zero filled)
C2C8: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.
The operator change bit map is:
bit 0 0 unassigned
bit 1 0 unassigned
bit 2 0 unassigned
bit 3 0 unassigned
bit 4 0 unassigned
bit 5 0 unassigned
bit 6 0 unassigned
bit 7 0 unassigned
bit 8 0 unassigned
bit 9 0 Operator change event identified bit (
0 = Alarm change)
bit 10 0 LoLo limit
bit 11 0 Lo limit
bit 12 0 Hi limit
bit 13 0 HiHi limit
bit 14 0 Rate of change limit
bit 15 1 Set/reset Alarm (
1 = set,
0 = reset)
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